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Home >How to articles > A few of the vinyl tiles on my kitchen floor have been damaged. How would I go about replacing them? To remove the damaged tiles, place an old towel over the area to be lifted, and run a warm iron over the top to loosen the adhesive. Using a scraper or filling knife, pry up the tile being careful not to damage the surrounding ones. Take one of the old tiles to a flooring supplier to find an exact or nearest match. Don’t worry too much about size as you can cut them down using a metal ruler and sharp craft knife. If the tile only needs a tiny section carved off, you can sand the edges down using fine grade sandpaper. Make sure the exposed areas are scrupulously dean and then apply tile adhesive to both the foor and tile underside. Press the tile into place and then using a rolling pin wrapped in cling film, rollover the tile a few times to press out any air. Remove any excess glue with a damp cloth and then place some heavy books on top until the adhesive sets, Hop Sze Timber at 421 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai Tel; 2832 99891 sells vinyl tiles while all the other materials are available from Wing Lee Hardware at 154 Wellington Street, Central tel; 2544 2345. |
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